
「重讀」是一回非常溫暖的懷舊行為,把書翻開,辨認出似曾相識的熟絡部分,卻又驚訝自己竟然曾經對某些部分如此忽略、如此冷漠、如此視而不見;於是忍不住內省審度,到底是什麼樣的變化令自己忽然調整了視域焦點。 或許就是歲月。歲月如同一個自動對焦鏡頭,任由眼前景象如何閃移,它仍精於捕捉,可是它有自身的鎖定邏輯,在不同的時間坐標裏,抓住不一樣的景深對象。以前的模糊變成今天的清晰,昔日的近攝成為當下的背襯,遷移的軌,往往不可理喻。
FROM: 馬家輝


Anthropology Lessoning……
Nicky: o~oh, the lesson seems so boring that I want to be crazy~~~la~la ~la crazy
Nicky: How can my life become much easier (look at Dr.Gao)
:Dr.Gao is really ‘interesting” 小白免手勢
(Dr.Gao走音+washing machine gag)
Nicky: you look, (shake the head, sweeping)
Nicky: I am so so tired, (peter fall asleep on a desk)
Witch: Peter, Nicky (witch touch peter’s shoulder)
(Nicky wake up slowly and 擦眼)
Nicky: who ….who … are you?
You look so strange?
Are you a witch?
Witch: sure, of course. i am here to give you this one ..
(Take out the magic ball and show it to audience)
It is the magic ball,
Let me show you the fantastic functions,
Everytime you say “stop” the time is being stop for you , and you pull out the line , the time will go fast. When you hope to run up the time again, you just have to say “start”. That is , you can stop the time and speed up the time as fast as your want. Everything is highly under your control.
But, kid, it is so sad that time can not go back any more.
It is really important.
Nicky: what an interesting thing,(大嗌)”stop” ,(the witch hold up the posture)
WOW~wow.. I got a magic, the world is under “my control”ha haaha..
Witch:hey ,It has limitation , if somebody can’t hear “stop”………..
Nicky:”stop”(laugh at witch)what ? ha ha… it really get the excellence function .
Witch:(內心戲)it has limitation……...(disappear withch)
At home

Nicky: mum ..mum, I am so hungry, anything for eat?..MUM
Nicky’ Mum :Nicky, I remember that today you will get the test result ,where is it ?
Nicky:um…um.. mum , I ..lose it …
(nicky say "stop" and run away the home ..
(扮open the door , and say "start" before go away)
(nicky"s mum move,and look around )
nicky 's mum: what. what happen ? it seems that i have something important to do!
(small something bad)
nicky: (按心口, 作狀鬆 一口氣)

o~ya , my cooking ,(rush to the kitchen)





some bad matters may turn to positive if you look it on other angles..
really ......